Meet The 7 Types Of Chihuahua Dogs

All Chihuahuas typically weigh up to 6 pounds and stand between 5 to 8 inches tall. Despite being the smallest dog breed in the world, they are renowned for their independent nature and what is often described as a “big dog attitude.” Their spirited demeanor makes them captivating companion animals, and they can even excel as alert dogs.

However, Chihuahuas are prone to experiencing what is known as “small dog syndrome.” Essentially, this occurs when a smaller dog feels insecure about its size and compensates by displaying aggressive behavior. This often manifests in the dog acting as though they are much larger than they are, and unfortunately, not always in a positive manner.

Fortunately, consistent training can help mitigate these issues.

While there are technically only a few recognized types of Chihuahuas, many breeders have introduced new variations of the breed that have gained some degree of popularity. In total, there are seven common options; let’s explore them further.

 Short-Haired Chihuahua

The majority of Chihuahuas have shorter hair, which is considered the standard for the breed. This variation, known as “smooth-coat” Chihuahuas, conforms to the breed standard and is readily available from breeders. Their short hair gives them a sleek appearance, hence the name.

Their shorter hair means they have lower grooming requirements. Regular brushing, typically once a week, is usually sufficient, although more frequent brushing can help minimize shedding around the house.

In terms of temperament and characteristics, these smooth-coat Chihuahuas are fairly typical representatives of the breed.

Long-Haired Chihuahuas

Long-haired Chihuahuas share many similarities with their short-haired counterparts, but they possess longer fur, typically reaching at least medium length. While all Chihuahua puppies are born with short hair, it takes approximately two years for their fur to grow out fully. Once it does, these dogs require more extensive grooming.

Regular brushing is necessary for long-haired Chihuahuas, typically every other day, and occasional professional grooming may also be required. Early introduction to grooming routines is crucial to ensure your dog remains comfortable during these maintenance sessions.

Long-haired Chihuahuas are less common than their short-haired counterparts, so finding a puppy may require some extra effort and potentially come with a higher price tag. However, temperament-wise, they are no different from other Chihuahuas.

The Teacup Chihuahua

These Chihuahuas may exhibit various coat lengths and head shapes, but their distinguishing feature is their diminutive size. Some breeders continuously strive to meet the demand for increasingly smaller Chihuahuas, often resulting in what is commonly referred to as teacup Chihuahuas.

However, the pursuit of smaller size in Chihuahuas poses significant health risks. Chihuahuas are naturally petite dogs, and attempts to further reduce their size can lead to severe health issues. Teacup Chihuahuas, in particular, are susceptible to neurological problems due to the compression of their internal structures within a smaller body. Unfortunately, many teacup Chihuahuas do not survive beyond puppyhood.

As a result, many breeders and animal welfare advocates argue that breeding for such extreme miniature sizes is unethical. While some teacup Chihuahuas may technically meet the breed standard, they are considered a specialized breed, and locating a reputable breeder who specializes in them can be challenging. Additionally, these dogs often come with a high price tag.

The Deer-Headed Chihuahua

The majority of Chihuahuas typically exhibit an apple-shaped head, which is considered the standard for the breed. However, there is also a variant known as the deer-headed Chihuahua, characterized by slightly longer heads and a lack of slope in the nose. Additionally, these dogs tend to be slightly larger in size.

Some breeders have intentionally bred deer-headed Chihuahuas in an effort to promote better health within the Chihuahua breed. However, due to their size, they are ineligible to compete in dog shows.

As a result, finding deer-headed Chihuahuas can be challenging, as they are not as common as their apple-headed counterparts. Interested individuals may need to seek out specific breeders who specialize in this variety. Additionally, these dogs may come with a higher price tag, as they are considered specialty pets.

Unique Coat Colors

Chihuahuas come in a wide array of coat colorations, with the American Kennel Club recognizing various hues such as chocolate, tan, black, and many others. Breeders may specialize in breeding Chihuahuas of specific colors, leading to distinct lines within the breed.

While certain coat colors may not be officially accepted according to the breed standard, some breeders still choose to breed them. This can result in the emergence of rarer colors that may not be considered “accepted” but are nonetheless present within the Chihuahua population. Often, these non-standard colors arise from mixed breeding practices, so it’s important to be aware of this when considering purchasing a puppy.

It’s worth noting that mixed-breed dogs may not exhibit all the characteristics typically associated with purebred Chihuahuas, as they inherit traits from both parent breeds. Therefore, individuals seeking a Chihuahua should carefully research reputable breeders and be mindful of the potential variations in coat color and other characteristics.

Apple-Head Chihuahuas

The apple-headed Chihuahua represents the quintessential image of this beloved breed. This head shape is predominant among Chihuahuas, encompassing both the short-haired and long-haired varieties that adhere to breed standards. As such, it is considered the standard form for the breed.

Characterized by its rounded appearance and noticeably sloped nose, the apple-head Chihuahua’s defining feature resembles that of an apple. This head shape is widely recognized and prevalent among Chihuahua puppies.

The apple-shaped head typically accompanies a slightly shorter muzzle, and many individuals may also possess a molera, a soft spot on the skull. The molera may or may not close completely as the dog matures, and while some view it as a potential health concern, it has led some breeders to develop the deer-headed Chihuahua as an alternative.

The Pear-Headed Chihuahua

Occasionally, when apple-headed and deer-headed Chihuahuas are bred together, it can result in what’s referred to as a pear-headed Chihuahua. However, this occurrence is primarily considered a defect rather than a distinct head type within the breed. Despite this, some breeders may attempt to capitalize on the perceived rarity of pear-headed Chihuahuas by charging higher prices for these puppies.

Pear-headed Chihuahuas typically exhibit characteristics that deviate from the breed standard. They may be taller and heavier than typical Chihuahuas, exceeding the established standards. Additionally, their skull tends to be broader at the top and gradually tapers into a muzzle reminiscent of that of a deer.

What is the Rarest Type of Chihuahua?

Pure white Chihuahuas are perhaps the rarest type of the breed. While many Chihuahuas will have white in their coats, finding one that is completely white is not typical. They will have the genetic marker for white. White Chihuahas do not have melanocytes, which is what gives them their coat color, and their genes do not contain the black pigmentation, although they still do have eumelanin, which is what gives them their nose and eye color. In order for this breed to be white, it must have two parents that are also white.

White Chihuahuas shouldn’t be confused with albino Chihuahuas, which are also extremely rare. These albino pups will also appear as white but albino is a complete lack of melanin and pigmentation. An albino will have no color whatsoever, and most will have blue eyes that are rimmed with pink and pink noses.

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